Background is pink Cherry Blossoms on a tree. Text overlay says "Twin Cities Spring Bucket List".
College,  Lifestyle

Twin Cities Spring Bucket List

Welcome back to Diary of a Small-Town Girl! It’s officially spring!! While there’s still snow on the ground here in MN, the last few days it definitely feels like spring is coming, which is amazing. Spring (and fall) is my favorite season, and I love getting to feel like summer is coming. I’m especially excited this year to hopefully see all the trees and flowers start blooming around campus! o, without further ado, let’s get into my Twin Cities spring bucket list!

Background is pink Cherry Blossoms on a tree. Text overlay says "Twin Cities Spring Bucket List".

Twin Cities Spring Bucket List

1. Go to the Spring Flower Show at Como Zoo & Conservatory

This is one of the newer additions to my spring bucket list. Over spring break, some of my friends and I visited Como for the winter flower show, and it was so much fun! I grew up going to Como Zoo with my family, but I don’t really remember doing a lot in the conservatory, so I’m excited to have gone once and hopefully go again soon. This is a great activity for college students, as it’s pretty easy to get to on public transportation, and it’s free to enter the park (though they do accept donations, which I highly recommend doing if you can). It’s also a great activity for when it’s still chilly outside, like it is now, because all the buildings are nice and warm and full of tropical plants!

2. Go to a MNU Soccer Game

This one is maybe cheating a little bit, because I actually get to go to one this weekend, but I’m putting it on here nonetheless! The Allianz soccer stadium is right near my campus, and we pass it every time we go to Target, so I’ve been wanting to go to a Loons soccer game for a while now. And, as luck would have it, my school gave out free tickets, and some friends and I were able to get some! So, this weekend, we’ll be at the Loons game cheering them on! And even if you can’t get free tickets to the games, the prices are actually pretty reasonable, so I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance.

3. Go to the Science Museum of Minnesota

This was a spring break activity that we planned but didn’t end up doing because everyone was super tired (and/or sick). The science museum is one of the coolest museums in the Twin Cities, and while it’s one of the more expensive activities on the list, I think it’s worth it. It’s also fun to go when it’s warmer out, as it’s right on the Mississippi River and has a cool balcony to check out when it’s nice out. All in all, I’d definitely recommend going to the Science Museum at least once!

4. Going to the Mill City Farmers’ Market and Walking the Stone Arch Bridge

This activity is for when it gets a little bit warmer out and you’re ready to spend some time outside! I love finding farmers’ markets (Thanks Mom!), and while I went to the Minneapolis Farmers’ Market in the fall, the Mill City Farmers’ Market is supposed to be super cool. It’s right by the Mill City Museum (another great Twin Cities museum!) and the Guthrie Theater on the Mississippi River, which is one of the coolest places in the Minneapolis. While I’ve been in this area before, I haven’t spent a lot of time there, which is why I want to go back!

And since it’s right in the area, I want to walk the stone arch bridge after the farmers’ market. The Stone Arch Bridge goes over the Mississippi and is one of the most iconic Twin Cities landmarks. It’s a pretty long bridge, but when it’s that spring feeling and you’re ready to get outside, it’s a perfect midmorning or early afternoon activity, and I definitely want to do it this spring!

5. Visiting the American Swedish Institute

This is an activity that I’ve been wanting to do since I moved to college and just haven’t had a chance to see yet. This is supposed to be a really cool museum to go to anytime of the year. We were going to try to go over spring break, but didn’t make it, unfortunately. Tickets for college students are only $6.00, which makes it super affordable and easy to get there. Part of the museum is a historic mansion, so you can tour the mansion, see exhibits, and eat in the cafe!

6. Go to a Twin’s Game

Another activity my friends and I are in the process of planning is a trip to a baseball game! Specifically, a Twins-Nationals game, as many of my friends are from the DC area. While neither team is particularly good, it’s more for fun than anything else, and baseball is a great spring activity. Plus, Twins tickets have a huge range of prices, so you can go all out or you can get nosebleed seats and have a great time watching the game from afar, which is probably what we’ll end up doing. Either way, it’s a super fun spring activity and one that I definitely need to do this spring.

Bye for Now!

While there are about a million more activities that I could list, I think I’m going to have to stop myself here, as there’s only so much time in the semester (only 6 more weeks!), and I’ll always have next year to cross even more things off my bucket list. If you want to follow along on all my spring adventures, make sure to follow me on Instagram, which is where I post most often!

As always, thank you for reading and following along on this crazy journey and I’ll see you next week!